Best Recurring Affiliate Program

Updated 1 year, 2 months ago.

recurring affiliate program

Recurring affiliate services are affiliate programs that offer recurring subscription-based services in which the affiliate receives commission on a monthly or yearly basis for as long as the customer remains a subscriber.

These services can include products such as web hosting, software as a service (SaaS), and other subscription-based products.

Recurring affiliate programs offer an excellent opportunity for affiliates to earn a steady income, as they generate ongoing commissions for as long as the subscriber remains active. The customer pays a subscription fee each month or year, and the affiliate earns a percentage of the revenue generated from each payment.

For example, suppose you are an affiliate marketer for a web hosting company that offers a recurring affiliate program. In that case, you would earn a commission every time a customer signs up for a hosting plan and continuing to earn a monthly fee as long as the customer remains subscribed to the hosting service. If you refer ten customers to the hosting service and each customer pays $20 a month, you would receive $2 from each customer each month, totaling $20 per month in recurring income.

Recurring affiliate services are attractive to affiliates because they offer steady, passive income without needing continually to generate new sales or leads. Additionally, it can take less effort to maintain existing customers than to acquire new ones, meaning that affiliates can focus on building and nurturing their existing customer base.

As a blogger, one of the best ways to earn revenue is through affiliate marketing. Recurring affiliate programs can provide a steady stream of passive income. Here are some of the best recurring affiliate programs for bloggers:


Bluehost is a web hosting company that offers a recurring affiliate program. They offer competitive commission rates to affiliates who promote their hosting services. Affiliates earn a commission each time a customer signs up for a hosting plan, and they continue to receive a commission for as long as the customer remains a subscriber.


ConvertKit is an email marketing software that offers a recurring affiliate program. As a blogger, you can earn a commission for each customer who signs up for ConvertKit's email marketing service through your affiliate link. Affiliates receive a 30% commission on the subscription price of each customer they refer, and they continue to earn that commission for as long as the customer remains a subscriber.


SEMrush is an SEO software that offers a recurring affiliate program. Affiliates can earn up to 40% commission on monthly subscriptions for SEMrush. The company offers a wide range of marketing tools that bloggers can promote and can give access to analytics, keyword research, and competitor analysis.


Shopify is an e-commerce platform that offers a recurring affiliate program. Affiliates can earn a commission on the monthly subscription fee of each customer they refer. Shopify offers a range of e-commerce tools and features, making it an ideal platform for bloggers who want to monetize their blogs through e-commerce.

In conclusion, recurring affiliate services offer affiliates an excellent way to build long-term, reliable income streams by promoting subscription-based services. By promoting products or services with a recurring affiliate program, affiliates can build a steady flow of passive income that can provide financial stability and freedom. These programs are a popular choice among affiliates looking to build a sustainable, long-term business in affiliate marketing.


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